Resource Directory
What exactly is a Hoya?

Many years ago, when all Georgetown students were required to study Greek and Latin, the University’s teams were nicknamed “The Stonewalls.” It is suggested that a student, using Greek and Latin terms, started to cheer “Hoya Saxa,” which translated into “What Rocks.” The name proved popular and the term “Hoyas” was eventually adopted for all Georgetown teams.
Our mascot, Jack the Bulldog (pictured left), is a beloved campus figure often seen skateboarding across the court during basketball games.
Faculty Affairs
Faculty Affairs Website
The faculty affairs website includes Faculty Policies and information for tenure-line, full-time non-tenure line, and part-time (adjunct) faculty.
Faculty Support and University Resources
This website provides quick answers to questions frequently asked by faculty. The topics include: COVID-19 Resources, Institutional & Technology Resources, General University Resources, Schools & Research at Georgetown, and Faculty Resources, including links to the Office of the Registrar.
Faculty Handbook
The rights and responsibilities of faculty and the processes and procedures affecting faculty are explained in various documents. In particular, all faculty should carefully read the Georgetown University Faculty Handbook.
Diversity Resources
Georgetown University values and supports its diverse students, faculty, and staff. Our campus resources include the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action (IDEAA), the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Resource Center, and the Women’s Center.
Honor System
As a Jesuit, Catholic university, Georgetown is committed to providing education based on individualized attention to the needs of each student; distinct respect for his or her unique circumstance and concerns, and an appropriate appreciation for his or her particular gifts and insights (“Cura personalis“). Upholding the values of honesty and integrity are central to this mission and the commitment to fostering scholarship and learning in this academic community.
To uphold this commitment Georgetown University established an Honor System for its undergraduate schools and master’s students (except MBAs). All undergraduate students state the Honors Pledge at their first academic convocation. Other students may sign the Honors Pledge to support the Honor System. A website is available to help those students who may not understand plagiarism.
Inclusive Pedagogy
Designing the learning environment to be meaningful, relevant, and accessible for every student in your course/program is inclusive pedagogy. It’s also consistent with Georgetown values such as Educating the Whole Person and Cura Personalis. Furthermore, it is supported by a growing body of research. In this toolkit, concrete suggestions are provided for designing inclusive, antiracist learning environments through five key interconnected aspects of teaching and learning relevant to all courses: content, pedagogy, assessment, climate, and power. Click here to learn more.
Anti-Racism Tool-Kit
The library has developed a set of materials for use in the classroom to educate students about racism. These resources are organized by topic so information about specific issues can be easily identified. The tool-kit includes books, guides from other universities, databases for research, and a variety of anti-racism resources such as “How to Talk about Race and Racism” and “Curriculum for White American to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism- from Ferguson to Charleston.”
Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS)
As a center for academic innovation, CNDLS brings together expertise in teaching excellence, technology, innovation, assessment, learning analytics, research, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. CNDLS provides a variety of online resources to support teaching and learning, including a New Faculty FAQs page, the Teaching Commons resources for course and syllabus design and active learning teaching skills, including tools for managing “Difficult Discussions,” and support for teaching with technology. CNDLS also offers cohort-based opportunities that allow faculty to explore topics in teaching and learning within a community of peers. Visit the CNDLS website or email **** to set up a personal consultation to learn more about the many ways you can engage with CNDLS as part of your teaching practice.
Center for Research and Fellowships (CRF)
The Center for Research & Fellowships (CRF) provides faculty with resources and opportunities for meaningful research and service engagement with students and young alumni. (1) Faculty interested in undergraduate research assistants should explore the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (GUROP ). Undergraduates in good standing are able to provide you with 60 hours of research per semester. (2) Faculty can receive guidance and access a variety of resources designed to help craft high-quality letters of recommendation for their students. (3) Faculty can help the CRF prepare Georgetown University students and young alumni for highly competitive national and international fellowships such as the Rhodes and Fulbright programs. There are a variety of ways to assist.
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service
The Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service (CSJ) is a hub at Georgetown University through which students, faculty, and staff engage with social justice in Washington, DC and globally through activism, advocacy, service, immersion, and community-based learning and research. We partner with faculty to, for example, develop community-engaged learning initiatives, pursue social justice teaching in the classroom, and advance our University’s mission for the common good through engaged scholarship and pedagogy. Visit . Connect with us by emailing Dr. Andria Wisler, Executive Director, at
Doyle Engaging Difference Program
The Doyle Engaging Difference Program encourages Georgetown students and faculty to address cultural, religious, and other forms of difference through learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. This university-wide program supports curricular engagement with difference and diversity in introductory and upper-level courses through our faculty initiatives. Both students and faculty can also apply for Doyle Grants and participate in Doyle Events to further engage in critical dialogue on diversity in co-curricular spaces. The Doyle Program is jointly administered by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS) at Georgetown University. Learn more at
Canvas (Course Management System)
Georgetown uses the Canvas course management system. Review the resources and trainings available at the “Faculty Resources” site to explore the use of Canvas for your courses.
Classroom Educational Technology Services (CETS)
The staff at CETS provide educational technology for teaching and learning to main campus classes scheduled by the Office of the University Registrar. They supply and maintain the technology used in classrooms and train faculty in the use of the technologies.
University Information Services (UIS)
The staff of UIS provides general technological support for faculty, staff, and students. They can answer questions about connecting to Wifi, using your NetID, accessing your Google Apps (gmail, calendar, drive), printing, and a host of other technological resources. Resources specifically for faculty are listed under “Faculty Technology Resources.”
Lauinger Library
Georgetown University’s libraries provide ample teaching and research resources for all faculty. This includes information and resources for new faculty, multimedia services, special collections, and much more. It also provides access to, which gives tutorials on multimedia production, design, software, and professional skills.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
A wide range of opportunities for undergraduate students in all majors to engage in research with faculty are available at Georgetown. Some of these programs are offered through the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (GUROP), while others are offered by departments, research centers, fellowships, and various initiatives. For more details, contact your department chair and read Research Opportunities at Georgetown.
Academic Calendars
The University Registrar sets the academic calendar and final exam schedule for each school. The Religious Holy Days calendar and the Policy Accommodating Students’ Religious Observances are available on the Campus Ministry website.
Academic Resource Center (ARC) and Writing Center
The ARC provides students with the academic strategies and individualized support needed for academic success and inclusion within the Georgetown community. It offers disability support, student-athlete support, and academic support. The Writing Center offers peer tutoring to all enrolled students.
Office of Global Education (OGE)
The Office of Global Education (OGE) develops and facilitates global academic programs, including study abroad and exchange, for Georgetown undergraduates. OGE provides guidance and expert consultation for all aspects of international programs including academic and program advising, program and partnership management, application and enrollment processes, risk management oversight, and business services. By enrolling and supporting hundreds of students in high-impact global and intercultural programs around the world each year, OGE supports the educational mission of the university and helps define its international character.
Faculty are invited to engage with undergraduate global education in a number of ways; by promoting study abroad in their classrooms , developing and leading a short-term faculty-led study abroad program , or applying to teach in residence at Georgetown’s Villa Le Balze . Faculty interested in any of these opportunities may contact: .
Office of Global Services (OGS)
OGS is responsible for international student and scholar services and serves as a resource for new global initiatives. We offer resources to our faculty who would like to learn how to support their international student population and advise GU departments regarding hosting international lecturers. Our office also serves faculty interested in creating partnerships with institutions abroad and supports their international travel. OGS manages non-credit activities at Georgetown’s Villa Le Balze in Italy and works with faculty to coordinate conferences, symposia, and lectures on this property.
International Travel Policy Checklist (for Faculty/Staff or Students Leading Student Groups on Non-credit Programs)
International Travel Policy Checklist (for Faculty and Staff Traveling Without Students)
University Registrar
The University Registrar’s website allows faculty to see the schedule of classes and the classroom reservation tools. It also provides information on final grade policies and course evaluations.
MyAccess (Student Records)
The MyAccess website is the main system used by students and faculty to view and update student records. It is the system which students use to locate their classes and register. It is also the system faculty use to record final grades. You should work with your departments to make sure you are properly linked to the courses you are teaching in MyAccess.
Office of Fellowships and Awards for Students
The Georgetown Office of Fellowships, Awards, and Resources (GOFAR) assists undergraduates in pursuing academic excellence in individual ways that supplement course curricula and requirements. It serves two principal functions: overseeing the Carroll Fellows, and identifying, recruiting, and mentoring students and alumni applying for competitive, national, and international fellowships and scholarships.
Faculty members are instrumental to GOFAR’s work, primarily through recommending outstanding students to GOFAR, and by serving on fellowship selection committees and mock interview panels. If you are interested in service opportunities available through GOFAR, please email to be added to the faculty roster.
Recognizing and Helping Students in Distress
Faculty may occasionally notice that a student appears to be dealing with issues that are causing her or him distress. The Georgetown guide Recognizing and Helping Students in Distress provides guidance on how to identify and provide assistance to students in distress. It gives examples of indicators of distress, directions on next steps, information on student rights to privacy and confidentiality laws, and information on on-campus resources. In addition, Georgetown has established a peer-to-peer chatline called Project Lighthouse to which you may refer students during the academic years (available at ). It provides an anonymous chat option with trained peer supporters between the hours of 7 PM – 1 AM daily. Students can safely and confidentially discuss with peer supporters a wide range of personal struggles, from loneliness and academic stress to mental health struggles and crises, and learn about campus resources available to help them.
Sexual Misconduct
Georgetown University prohibits sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
This site is designed to be a resource for students, faculty, and staff on issues relating to sexual misconduct, discrimination based on sex, and discrimination based on pregnancy, including options for getting help; the University’s policies against sexual misconduct; how to report sexual misconduct; the University’s Sexual Misconduct Reference Guide; and information on getting involved in campus initiatives.
Creating a Sustained Research Program
Provost Robert Groves shares his insights on the ingredients of a sustained research program.
Faculty in Research
Provost Robert Groves has conducted a series of interviews with scholars in a variety of disciplines in the Georgetown Community. He shares the insights from their careers in “Reflections in Podcasts (Dec. 18, 2019) To listen to the individual podcasts, go to Provost’s Podcasts at
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs seeks a more just and peaceful world by deepening knowledge and solving problems at the intersection of religion and global affairs through research, teaching, and engaging multiple publics. Two premises guide the center’s work: that a comprehensive examination of religion and norms is critical to address complex global challenges, and that the open engagement of religious and cultural traditions with one another can promote peace. To this end, the center engages students, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in the analysis of and dialogue on critical issues in order to increase the public understanding of religion. Learn more about our events and programs at
Main Campus Research Website
The Main Campus Research website provides links to key information for internally and externally sponsored research. This includes all aspects of the proposal development and submission process, including applications and proposals, policies and regulations, and additional information needed to prepare and submit proposals and manage awards.
Research Grant Life Cycle
All research grants must progress through the same process of development. The initial task is to identify funding opportunities (internal and external) and prepare a proposal that specifically addresses the objectives of the funding source. Each externally funded proposal is reviewed by the Office of Research Services to ensure it satisfies the conditions of the grant and Georgetown’s regulations and is approved by the appropriate offices. The GU-Pass system is used for this purpose as well as to submit the proposal. If the proposal receives funding, then the award is entered into a financial database and managed according to the rules of the award. Once the work is completed, a final report and documentation that the funds have been used correctly are submitted. Click here for more detailed information on each of these stages. Contact the Office of Research Services to learn about the support provided to those seeking proposal funding.
GU-Pass is the external research grant proposal routing system. When you are preparing a research grant proposal for an external funding agency, use GU-Pass to route the proposal to the appropriate offices (Department/Program, Dean, and the Office of Research Services) for approval and submission. For a quick guide to using GU-Pass, click here to view screenshots and instructions.
Rates, Facts & Figures For Proposals
Funding agencies often require information about certain rates, figures, and university facts. This information is available here.
Scholarly Publishing
There are several offices at Georgetown University that provide assistance with scholarly writing and publication. These resources are listed on the library website.
GU Press
The Georgetown University Press publishes for a diverse, global readership. It currently publishes approximately forty new titles each year and has an active list of almost 1,000 titles. These books cover theory and practice in several subjects: international affairs; languages & linguistics; religion & ethics; and topics related to the Washington, D.C. region. In addition, it publishes three journals: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, and the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics.
Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board’s (IRB) primary role is to safeguard the rights and welfare of all human subjects who participate in research studies conducted by Georgetown. All research projects involving human subjects or human material must be reviewed and approved by the IRB. All biomedical, social, and behavioral research projects are subject to the Policies and Procedures of the Institutional Review Board.
Human Resources
Human Resources Website
The Department of Human Resources is committed to upholding Georgetown University’s reputation as a global leader in academics and research. It takes a proactive role in creating an environment that respects the whole person. For faculty, they provide resources on benefits and payroll, as well as tools for maintaining a work-life balance.
Georgetown Management System (GMS)
The Georgetown Management System is the secure human resources software system designed by Workday which is used at Georgetown. You will receive instructions for using GMS for onboarding activities such as selecting benefits and providing your contact information. Once the hiring process is complete, you can check your pay and benefit status using GMS.
Faculty and Staff Benefits
The Office of Faculty and Staff Benefits manages multiple faculty benefits. See the website for more information and check out the 2018 Benefits Guide.
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
Georgetown University’s Faculty & Staff Assistance Program provides free, confidential counseling, consultation, and educational services to faculty, staff and their immediate family members. They can assist with a variety of personal and work-related concerns, including mental health issues, workplace conflict, relationship problems, parenting stress, and substance abuse.
GU Wellness
GUWellness: Mind, Body, Soul is a University-wide initiative aimed at providing Georgetown’s faculty and staff with the tools, resources and support they need to achieve their wellness goals.
General Resources
Faculty Head Shots (Photos)
Georgetown University provides free photos (head shots) for faculty, staff and students. These may be used for a variety of professional purposes. For example, a faculty member may post his or her photo on the Faculty Profile section of the Georgetown Directory (part of GU360 ) or on another web site. Most new faculty have their head shots taken at the New Faculty Orientation. To locate your photo, click here and follow the instructions. If you didn’t have your photo taken at the New Faculty Orientation, watch for email notifications of future photo sessions scheduled for faculty during the academic year.
GoCard (GU ID Card)
Pickup your GoCard at NFO! Faculty who submit their photos to by August 7th will be able to pick them up at registration. Make sure to follow the photo requirements. GoCards serve as your offical identification card and give you access to parking, Lauinger library, and many other campus buildings.
Emergency Services and HoyaAlert
Georgetown Emergency Services include the Police Department (202-676-4343), Emergency Response Medical Service (202-687-4357), and mental health counselors (202-687-6985 or 202-444-7243 after hours). Sign up for HoyaAlert, Georgetown University’s emergency mass notifcation system.
Campus Map
This interactive map will help faculty navigate the campus.
Office of Transportation Management
Georgetown’s Office of Transportation Management provides information on parking and public transportation. They also provide free shuttles to the Dupont Circle and Rosslyn metro stops, the Georgetown University Law Center and the U.S. House of Representatives, university offices on Wisconsin Avenue, and stops in Arlington, VA.
Credit Union & PNC Bank
The Georgetown Federal Credit Union (FCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit, financial institution serving the Georgetown University community. PNC‘s Workplace Banking offers banking services in a program of special offers and enhanced benefits. The Georgetown FCU and a PNC branch are located on campus.
Hoya Kids Learning Center
The Hoya Kids Learning Center is established to meet the needs of the children of University faculty, staff, and students, and to help Georgetown University parents better balance work and family responsibilities. The Learning Center is a key component of the University’s commitment to weave family needs into the fabric of the University community and its educational mission.
Yates Fieldhouse
Yates Field House is Georgetown University’s Premiere Recreation Facility that actively promotes Cura Personalis. Yates offers fitness, recreation, and wellness activities and events to include group fitness classes, personal training, Spinning™, yoga, racquet sports, intramural sports, chair massage, and more. In addition, unique opportunities are provided for faculty and staff, including a free yoga class on Fridays during the year. Yates welcomes everyone to visit and interact with students, university groups, faculty, staff, and local community members.
Faculty Travel: Domestic and International
The Georgetown Travel Service will assist you with all aspects of your travel planning with the objective of keeping travel costs as low as possible. The CONCUR reservation tool may be used for Georgetown professional travel and/or for personal leisure travel. Faculty interested in international travel may find internal or external sources of support on the Office of Global Services website. All students, faculty, and staff engaging in university-related international travel must comply with the GU International Travel Policy.
Provost’s Blog
A good way to learn about issues of interest to the Provost and the Georgetown University community is to sign up to receive by email the weekly blog written by the Provost. Past blogs have covered such diverse topics as public interest technology, the role of Georgetown in the Washington, D.C. region, recognizing innovation in teaching, and the role of research.
University Structure
Georgetown University has four main operating units reporting to the President: the Main Campus, Medical Center, Law Center, and University Services. The Provost leads the Main Campus which includes all schools except those under the Medical Center and Law Center. For more information, check out Georgetown Key Facts.
Walking Tours
Lean your way around the Georgetown Campus before you arrive while learning about the history of the campus. The first two tours listed below provide photos and commentary.
-Virtual Tour of Campus designed by Georgetown.
-Self-Guided Tour (ADA route included) designed by Georgetown.
-Self-Guided Tour by Washington, DC on Foot: provides additional explanations and history but no photos.
Graduate Student Union
On November 9, 2018 Main Campus graduate students voted to authorize representation by the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE) and American Federation of Teachers (the national union with which GAGE is affiliated). This new union (GAGE/AFT) is negotiating its first contract with Georgetown University. These negotiations are expected to continue through the 2019-2020 academic year. For more information, visit